At-Will Employment

Your employment with Proactive Talent is at will. This means your employment is for an indefinite period of time and it is subject to termination by you or Proactive Talent, with or without cause, with or without notice, and at any time. Nothing in this policy or any other policy of Proactive Talent shall be interpreted to be in conflict with or to eliminate or modify in any way the at will employment status of Proactive Talent employees.

The at will employment status of an employee of Proactive Talent may be modified only in a written employment agreement with that employee which is signed by Proactive Talent CEO and Founder, William Staney.

Equal Employment and Non-Discrimination Policy

Proactive Talent is an equal opportunity employer. We will not tolerate discrimination or harassment on the basis of race, color, gender, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, age, disability, marital status, citizenship, genetic information, military/veterans status or any other characteristic protected by applicable state or federal law.

All employment decisions including (and without limitation to) hiring, transfers, promotions, compensation, benefits, education, training, discipline, recreation, and social programs will be administered with the objectives of this policy of non-discrimination.

Any employee whom Proactive Talent determines, in its discretion, has violated this policy, will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination. This policy applies to all applicants and employees and prohibits harassment, discrimination, and retaliation whether engaged in by fellow employees, by a supervisor or manager, or by someone not directly connected to Proactive Talent (e.g., an outside vendor, consultant, or customer).

If you experience and/or witness any form of discrimination, you must report it immediately to your Principal/direct manager, the Culture & Operations Manager, or a member of our Human Resources team. Proactive Talent does not tolerate any form of retaliation against an employee making a good faith report of discrimination.

Confidential Information

During your tenure with Proactive Talent, you will unavoidably receive and handle confidential information about clients, partners, and our company. We want to make sure that information is well-protected as to avoid legal repercussions and maintain integrity.

Confidential and proprietary information is secret, valuable, expensive and/or easily replicated. Employees may have various levels of authorized access to confidential information. Common examples of confidential information are: